Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today James had his first tennis lesson and he seemed to have a great time. Eleanor and I went to pick him up and we rode the big elevator down to the tennis tent. We went through the entrance, which was a door that was really hard to open, and found James and the rest of the young team. The teacher was there and was talking in Italian and so were the other kids. For once, James was the only quiet one.
The teacher was yelling, “Piano! Piano!” meaning to be more gentle. James was trying to hit the tennis ball with the tennis racket like a baseball, and I guess he still hasn’t figured that out! At least he is enjoying it!
I tried to take some pictures, but the lighting was bad and they came out really blurry. Sorry! Anyway, we came back up the elevator and saw a beautiful sight. There is something somewhat like a small park where the elevator entrance is. There are benches and an overview. We could see all the night lights in the city.
Today we were just hanging out at the house doing school and for me, Sudoku. Not much happened, but it was nice, quiet and peaceful, mostly. James decided he needed to practice juggling outside and kick a small soccer ball against the wall.  It was pretty loud.
Daddy has been working hard on the bathroom. The tile is out of the bathroom and so are the bathtub and closet. Now, I wouldn’t even call it bathroom! I can’t wait until it is done and useable instead of a crummy and difficult to clean bathroom. Thank you, Daddy!
Our house has worked pretty well for us. The bathroom is very crowded and small, but at least it is a bathroom.
I hope that everyone has been having a great time in Atlanta. Happy Valentine’s Day! I will see if I can get more pictures when James goes to his tennis lesson next time.


  1. Hello Hook Family! I just found your blog today and have enjoyed reading it very much. Hope you all had a terrific Valentine's Day and that it included sweet things, edible and otherwise. Keep the stories coming, keep mommy knitting and know that you are adventuring for all of us! Eileen (one of your mum's knitting pals)

  2. Sorry I lost the Valentine reply. Hope you had a good one.

    Robins have returned to Tifton on their trek northward. They usually stay for about a week. The good part is they remove all the old holly berries. The bad part isvwhere they leave them. Still they've always been a favorite. Reminds me of my youth in a gentler (summer) climate.

    I enjoyed the colorful descriptions of the people you have met. I suspect much of what you remember of italy will be its people.

    Love you,

  3. Jeremy, you'll be very good at tennis. Sports is a universal language. Show them who you are!! ;-)
