Saturday, February 26, 2011

Internet Problems!

I am terribly sorry if we are not able to blog in the next few days. Our internet connection is pretty bad and we may not be able to get much blogging done tomorrow. Our older internet connection failed and today we spent hours trying to get a new one. I have been trying to get this one to work and I have gotten it a few times, but it has failed on us before.
Keep checking this blog just in case we figure it out, and we'll see if we have better luck tomorrow.

For those who have been concerned about the mold, we are fine and we have La Cleaning Lady who will be cleaning up the mold with bleach. The house will smell a little, but that's better than a smelly mess. This morning, people came to look at the mold and we are back on the good side.

Thank you for keeping up with us and I'm sorry this internet connection program is not working well, but I will definitely work on it because I love blogging, as you can probably tell, and I don't want to disappoint our followers!


1 comment:

  1. Ashley
    Thank you for keeping us up to date and good luck with the internet! I guess nothing happens on Sunday...
    How was Mummy's birthday - did her tea stay warm?
    We fly back to Atlanta tomorrow - 3 weeks have just flown by. We will soon be with you in Italy - can't wait!
    much love
    Vovo and Grandfather
