Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Boy did I have them fooled for 3 seconds!

Yesterday we were exploring again in the afternoon, and we stopped in this little park to see the view (of course!).  As we were leaving, I inquired of a group of four elderly people to verify the direction to the Porta Romana. 

And one of the men asked me if I was ITALIAN!  Are you kidding me?  I nearly kissed his feet in my effusion.  And then in my broken Italian made it abundantly clear to him via direct demonstration that I do NOT speak Italian well.  But I loved the compliment!  We explained to them about living here, etc.  We were laughing about the fact that in the States, a house that is 100 to 150 years old is ancient, but that's NOTHING here.  Most of the architecture is 400-500 years old.  And there's plenty around that's older.

We walked for miles, and my socks and shoes fought.  I have hotspots all over the soles of my feet now, sadly.  But I'll just wear different (thicker) socks with those shoes next time.  In the meantime, I'll be wearing my little boots.


  1. The adventures we are reading about through your eyes making a wonderful and exciting memories for a lifetime for you and the children. These stories will fill our imaginations of what it is like there. Hope that everyone is doing well and we miss all of you.
    Love the Texas Grandparents

  2. Love it that you are meeting so many new people! We look forward to meeting them too.
    Miss you lots, thank you for keeping us up to date through the blog!
    Lots of love
