Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Day at the Colosseum

James thought it was boring until he found out about the wild animals.  Florence was completely jaded and didn't want to listen to the audioguide.  Until she grabbed it from Eleanor and glued it to her ear for the rest of our sojourn there...

If you notice the lighter gray stone with grooves -- these were part of the pulley system used to change sets.

Roman paving, ancient and a little modern (top left)

Understage complex to hold animals, etc.

A view with the partial stage reconstruction

Can you imagine getting up and down these in a toga?

Some modern Romans pretending to be ancient

Palatine hill

James wanted this picture of the horses (awww...sweet!)

Everyone was amused by the street cleaner.  Except for Ashley.

A detail of the ceiling...most of it has come down now.



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