Friday, February 25, 2011

The Disappearing Fish Shop

Does this look like a shop of any kind to you?
One day last week, on our way back from our daily trip to the Coop, Jeremy and I spied a little fish shop -- barely more than a kiosk, but in a building behind glass doors.  We were intrigued, and agreed that we'd buy the squid there next time he made stuffed calamari.

And then we never saw it again!  It was GONE.  No sign of it.  There was a set of closed doors where we thought we'd seen it, but the doors looked like a house or something that was permanently closed.
People!  Fish! It's Open!

But this past Tuesday...voila!  There it was!  It was like a now-you-see-it-now-you-don't trick.  So I poked my head in and asked the smiling owner when he was open.  Well, of course!  I should have known:  his regular hours for business are Tuesday and Friday from 7:30-11:30.  Silly me.

We went back today and got mussels for dinner -- this time, I'm wresting the pans from the kids' grasp, and we're having pappardelle with mussels, tomatoes, onion, garlic, parsley, and our $1.50 wine.  I find the price on cooking wine tremendously amusing.



1 comment:

  1. Does the Cheshire Cat live in the fish shop?
