Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jeremy's Pictures!

An electrical outlet

Another outlet

The narrowest hallway I've ever been in (at hotel in Rome)

Some scenery

Our front door

The lock on the front door

The key to the front door

One of the indoor locks

The key to the indoor locks

Some candy in the grocery store (mostly Kinder)

One of  the buildings near our house

Santa Maria della Consolazione

View from outside of the post office

A Roman wall

Pigeons hang out in these holes!


  1. Wonderful pictures! Keep them coming! I'm glad you are enjoying the change from Atlanta so much.

  2. And I thought our front door was cool!

    There were two people at swim the other day. We miss you guys


  3. Hey Jerry Berry! You post interesting pictures! I'm glad I'm not there with you- I wouldn't fit down the hall!

    Ben returned from the Orlando trip in one piece. It's nice to have him back!

    Anonymous Deb
