Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Differences in Altar Serving between the US and Todi

Overall, it felt different in some ways, but the same in others.  During the processional and recessional, we didn’t carry a crucifix. For the beginning of the Mass, you don’t really do much, because in America you usually hold the Sacramentary for the priest, but here you don’t.  So you don’t do much until the Liturgy of the Eucharist, when you do a lot more than you do in America.  Here you help clean out the dishes, and you carry out the offertory.  In Todi, there is a lot more water than wine, because only the priest drinks the wine.  The water is also used for washing his hands and cleaning out the dishes.  In the U.S., we have separate jugs for cleaning. 


1 comment:

  1. Jeremy
    Your comments are very interesting. Where do you prefer serving - Italy or the US? How many servers are there at a typical mass in Todi? What about robes - are they like the ones at IHM?
    I love you
