Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I promised that there would be a post on tortellini, but I’m going to bait-and-switch.  I really made capellini.  The main difference is the starting shape.  The concept is that you take a bit of flat pasta, throw a minute amount of filling on it, and bundle it up like a sealed fortune cookie.  Tortellini are truly like fortune cookies, because they start with round pieces.  Capellini are made with square pieces. 
First, you roll the pasta and then cut into squarish pieces.

 Then you put a tiny amount of filling (ricotta, meat, etc.).

Then you fold on the diagonal.

Bring the corners to meet each other

Fold back the top!
Side view
Top view

And after an hour’s labor, you have:

Okay, not a cost-effective way to spend the time, given that you can buy 500 g of freshly made, yummy tortellini for about 3 euros.  But it was a fun way to spend the afternoon.  I put it in a yummy veggie broth and we had some wonderful soup:



1 comment:

  1. I am feeling hunger pangs just reading your blog! You will all be master cherfs before long!

