Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some more images of our darling town...

We have loved seeing spring emerge.  I have a few more shots to share...


Tonight's sunset

The bucket trucks are so cute here!

A shrine near our house

I don't care if it's invasive; wisteria is pretty!

Not sure of this tree...it's not a redbud I don't think...

A "soft" view of Montesanto (a humid day)

Montesanto, again

Lizards are starting to emerge!

A soft view -- it was a very misty day

Everything's in bloom!

If life hands you a lemon...(or two)

1 comment:

  1. I want that adorable shrine on the side of my house! How cool would that be? We're looking forward to seeing you in a week or so. have fun in Pompeii...so jealous, I wish I could go! It seems like the most interesting place! V and G are headed out to the airport about now.
